Sartorius* Advanced Q-APP




Q-App: UserCal Advanced User defined calibration routine with evaluation over HTML (Q-Web)

The workflow has two levels, an administrator and a user. Administrators are allowed to define up to 5 different weight values, including their ID, value and permissible tolerances. Users are only allowed to perform the calibration process.
The process runs automatically and the user is guided through it. Data acquisition and the evaluation are done automatically. The documentation can be performed on a Sartorius printer and/ or via Ethernet on basis of Q-Web via HTML visualization.

Q-App: USP Advanced Determination of the operating range of balances acc. USP Chapter 41 with evaluation over HTML (Q-Web)

This Q-App is for the determination of the operating range according to USP Chapter 41. An administrator has full privileges (i.e.: to define the test weights); however, a user can only perform the test process. The operator is guided through the process, step-by-step and the weight values are acquired automatically. The evaluation of the optimum operating range is automatically calculated by the routine. The documentation can be performed on a Sartorius printer and / or via Ethernet on the basis of Q-Web via HTML visualization.
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.

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