Whatman* UNIFILTER 96-well microplate, 800 µl, long drip director

Contact: AdvanceEmail@protonmail.com



Plasmid DNA Binding UNIFILTER works either as a stand-alone or as part of our high-throughput miniprep system.

Plasmid DNA is bound to the filter under chaotropic conditions, washed twice, and then vacuumed to dryness on a vacuum manifold. The plasmid DNA is eluted by vacuum in a final volume of 100 l into a nonbinding polypropylene collection plate using water or TE-1 buffer. The DNA is ready to use and further ethanol precipitation is unnecessary. The final concentration is 50 to 100 ng/l, depending on the original culture. The A260/280 ratio is 1.9 and the yields in all 96 wells max out at 6 g.

The Plasmid DNA binding plate can be used with both vacuum and centrifuge techniques, making it a vital and flexible tool in every high-throughput laboratory.
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