acumedia* Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, with Lecithin and Tween 80




• Intended Use: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar W/ Lecithin & Tween 80 is used for the isolation of fungi from surfaces sanitized with
quaternary ammonium compounds.
• Product Summary and Explanation: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) is a modification of Dextrose Agar described by Sabouraud.
SDA is used for cultivating pathogenic and commensal fungi and yeasts. The high dextrose concentration and acidic pH of the
formula permits selectivity of fungi. The addition of Lecithin and Tween 80 to Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is used to neutralize
antiseptics and disinfectants for environmental monitoring and other applications. Complete neutralization of disinfectants is
important. Disinfectant carryover can cause false no-growth test results.
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.

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