acumedia* Clostridium Perfingens Agar Base




Clostridium Perfringens Agar Base is used with selective and differential supplements for the recovery of Clostridium perfringens.

Clostridium Perfringens Agar Base is a nutritious base medium used in the preparation of SFP Agar and TSC Agar. Depending upon the formula, supplements are added to increase the selectivity of the medium. Shahidi-Ferguson Perfringens (SFP) Agar is based on the formula by Shahidi and Ferguson and incorporates the supplements, Polymyxin B Sulfate and Kanamycin. Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine (TSC) Agar is developed with the same base as SFP Agar, with the addition of Cycloserine. If desired, Egg Yolk Emulsion can be added to either formula.
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.

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