acumedia* Potato Infusion Agar




• Intended Use: Potato Infusion Agar is used for the isolation of Brucella abortus.
• Product Summary and Explanation: Potato Infusion Agar is prepared according to the formula used by Stockman and
MacFadyean for the isolation of Brucella abortus. Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with a domestic-animal reservoir.
Transmission by milk, milk products, meat, and direct contact with infected animals is the usual route of exposure. Potato
Infusion Agar permits luxuriant growth of characteristic colonies of B. abortus from infected materials, and may be used with
excellent results in mass cultivation of Brucella in the preparations of vaccines and antigens.
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.

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