acumedia* Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar




• Intended Use: Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar is used for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in foods. Violet Red Bile Glucose
Agar conforms to Harmonized USP/EP/JP Requirements.
• Product Summary and Explanation: The Enterobacteriaceae group includes lactose-fermenting coliform bacteria, nonlactose-
fermenting strains of E. coli, and nonlactose-fermenting species such as Salmonella and Shigella. When examining certain foods,
it is important to detect Enterobacteriaceae rather than coliform bacteria. Enterobacteriaceae are glucose-fermenting bacteria.

Mossel et al. modified Violet Red Bile Agar, which contains lactose, by adding glucose to improve recovery of Enterobacteriaceae. Further research by Mossel et al. demonstrated that lactose could be omitted, resulting in the formulation known as Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar.
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.

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