Cyclopentane, OmniSolv(R) - 4 Liter
- SKU:
- CX2414-55
- CAS#:
- 287-92-3
- Formula:
- C5H10
- Formula Weight:
- F.W. 70.13
- UN Number:
- UN1146
- Proper Shipping Name:
- Cyclopentane
- Hazard Class:
- 3
- Packing Group:
- UPS Ground Limit:
- 70 lb
- HMIS-Health:
- 2
- HMIS-Flammability:
- 3
- HMIS-Reactivity:
- 0
- Info:
- Glass distilled. Filtered through 0.2 µm filter. Suitable for spectrophotometry, liquid chromatography and residue analysis. Certificate of analysis on label.