Methyl Alcohol, OmniSolv(R)
- SKU:
- MX0488
- CAS#:
- 67-56-1
- Formula:
- Formula Weight:
- F.W. 32.04
- UN Number:
- UN1230
- Proper Shipping Name:
- Methanol
- Hazard Class:
- 3
- Packing Group:
- Synonyms:
- Methyl Alcohol
- UPS Ground Limit:
- 20 L
- HMIS-Health:
- 2
- HMIS-Flammability:
- 3
- HMIS-Reactivity:
- 0
- Info:
- Glass distilled. Filtered through 0.2 µm filter. Suitable for HPLC, spectrophotometry and gas chromatography. Gradient controlled for absence of lipophilic interferences at 254 and 235 nm. Certificate of analysis on label.